Talk about Type! This litter will definitely have type! This breeding will be locking in broad heads, perfect triangular shiloh-sized ears, and beautifully marked faces. Add to that width of body, awesome bone, saber tails, excellent health, and superior intelligence, what more could one ask for in a pup?

Cooper is a dog that everyone wants. Anyone that meets Cooper wants to steal him away : ) He is the love of our Shiloh life, always by our side and willing to give 110% in every avenue attempted.
Bria is a true sweetheart, no wonder her and Cooper hit it off. She is so loving, kind and willing to please; a perfect family companion!
What you see in these two dogs is what you will see in their pups. Bringing together Cooper and Bria will produce stunning sable puppies that will look like the parents. Thick plush coats and super sweet soft temperaments are a given.
These beautiful puppies arrived on March 16th. Follow their progress on their own blog
We are now accepting deposits on this incredible litter.