3/8/2009 - 2/22/2010
We have no control over what life hands us, we just must have faith that God always has a plan.
Julie was a very special girl, confident, outgoing, very friendly and exceptionally intelligent. She was my Allie's grand-daughter, and Allie was my heart and soul. I sent this girl knowing she was also going to be this couple's heart and soul. She left me at 8 weeks to go spend her life in Florida. It should have been a long life, but genetics handed her a horrible twist. As hard as we try, as much as we plan, research, and test, sometimes that is just not enough.
Julie left us, setting a perfect example of bravery. She faced her issues with courage, patience, determination and stamina. No one could have asked for more from this girl.
Godspeed, Miss Julie Ann. May you be free from pain, and be able to run and play like a whole dog in the fields of heaven. Your grandma would have been so very proud of you. Now you join her at the Rainbow Bridge. You have touched everyone you have ever met, and will be missed by all.
