Look at Angel now! Angel was adopted by her "angel" and now lives on a large farm in WVA. She shares her home with her human mom and dad, as well as two other Shilohs and two Irish Setters. She has 3 acres of fenced pasture to run and play in with her buddies!
Angel had a rough life, starting out in a large breeding kennel in NY. She came to BelleGrace with badly infected feet. I had offered to take her to get her out of the kennel, and try and heal her wounds. Unfortunately, she also came with a heart murmur, so she was removed from our breeding program. We got her foot issues under control, and then started hunting for the perfect home for her to live out her life. Afterall, Angel deserved that!
Along came a woman, wanting to adopt her. Angel went to live with her, was spayed and started her new life. After a few minor setbacks, Angel has finally settled into a routine and by looking at the picture above, appears quite content. Sleeping on a soft bed definitely suits Angel.
Congratulations Angel, and thank you Avril, for offering your love, patience, and understanding to a dog that so needed her very own "angel".
March update: Angel went to the Reading PA show as a visitor to cheer on the other Shilohs in attendance. Way to go Angel!